First there was the word, then there were ideas. Because of ideas, humanity discovered its planet and set foot on the moon. Every great achievement combined creative minds and a devil-may-care attitude – which is why we are always looking for innovative projects and new challenges.
We have successfully accompanied the following projects:
angelkarten.at | BIBLIOBAGS® | crewbands | Drink Pink | Immoviertel | myBIBLIOBAG | portableWiFi.eu | theStylish
There are many fascinating ideas and exciting personalities working to implement them.
Even before our first investment, we made a commitment to be honest with ourselves. However, this also means that we openly admit that we cannot understand all the ideas and business models. Our investment philosophy is therefore relatively simple: we invest in what we understand.
Our focus is on corporate development (incl. M&A) and financing (“first money in”, both individual projects and companies). An international network of experts supports us in turning ideas into reality.
ESOX Media GmbH
Burgring 1 / DG 23 . 1010 Vienna
Commercial Register No. 346405W
UID ATU65756700
DVR 4004324
ARA 19582
EORI ATEOS1000067872
D&B D-U-N-S 300204081

First there was the word, then there were ideas. Because of ideas, humanity discovered its planet and set foot on the moon. Every great achievement combined creative minds and a devil-may-care attitude – which is why we are always looking for innovative projects and new challenges.
We have successfully accompanied the following projects:
angelkarten.at | BIBLIOBAGS® | crewbands | Drink Pink | Immoviertel | myBIBLIOBAG | portableWiFi.eu | theStylish
There are many fascinating ideas and exciting personalities working to implement them.
Even before our first investment, we made a commitment to be honest with ourselves. However, this also means that we openly admit that we cannot understand all the ideas and business models. Our investment philosophy is therefore relatively simple: we invest in what we understand.
Our focus is on corporate development (incl. M&A) and financing (“first money in”, both individual projects and companies). An international network of experts supports us in turning ideas into reality.
ESOX Media GmbH
Burgring 1 / DG 23 . 1010 Vienna
Commercial Register No. 346405W
UID ATU65756700
DVR 4004324
ARA 19582
EORI ATEOS1000067872
D&B D-U-N-S 300204081